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CX Challenges Survey 2021

CX Challenges Survey 2021

Our 3rd annual CX Challenges Report in 2021 this year of COVID hope and recovery​

The discipline of CX comprises the approaches, frameworks, methods, techniques and tools of delivering attention getting and loyalty building and maintaining ‘Digital First But Not Digital Only Multichannel Digital Experiences’.

19 years into the modern CX movement it has become increasingly a mainstream, mandatory discipline. We now have a direct line between CX performance and business performance of revenue, profitability, market share, competitive positioning and business valuation supported by global thought leaders like Harvard Business School, McKinsey and Forrester Research.

This is the outcome of our 3rd annual CX Challenges survey here in 2021 this year of COVID hope and recovery headed to 2022 the year of normalcy (we hope)

Download the report for more information on our findings:

We increased from 21 challenges in 2020 to 32+ this year.
CX Culture and Customer Understanding were the top 2 again
Great CX, Customer Care focused CX and EX all entered our top 10 for the first time
We asked our CX panel of experts to add some thought starters for the top 10
And we removed most of the graphics and just focused on the meat. Apparently people produce their own and  no matter what we did you always asked for different ones. So ask us for what you need.
3X as many people participated this year so thank you

CX Applied: 238 Questions Across 12 Capability Areas To Help Build, Assess & Maximize VoC / EFM / EX / XM ROI

CX Applied: 238 Questions Across 12 Capability Areas To Help Build, Assess & Maximize VoC / EFM / EX / XM ROI

What is the most important thing to do to be a customer centric, customer obsessed, high performing organization (or an employee centric one)?

Simple: Listen to your Customers (and Employees), understand what they are telling you and act on it to continuously improve.

The proven VoC questions in here can be applied to Voice of Customer (VoC), Experience Management (XM) Enterprise Feedback Management
(EFM) or Listen, Analyze and Act Experience Systems For Any Audience

We are purpose built to help you, as a member of this generation of CX leaders, build the CX capabilities required to return and grow your organization’s CX commitment and deliver on the promise of CX ROI. After you download this contact us to learn more.

Best Practices For How Digital Readiness Maturity Leader Increase Digital Adoption ROI By 2.5X

Best Practices For How Digital Readiness Maturity Leader Increase Digital Adoption ROI By 2.5X

With investment in digital transformation exploding to >$2t in 2020,  research leaders have confirmed that 70% of all digital transformation projects will fail to meet expectations and deliver on required ROI.

In fact it is even more ‘pointed’ because the same companies dominate the 30% of successes again and again.

BUT there is hope because the same research reveals one of the main success factors is Digital Readiness or Digital Maturity in order to maximize Digital Adoption

Customer Results has been working with our partner, Gestalt (, an 18 month old company purpose built for this Digital Readiness challenge, to distill the best practices of the Digital Transformation leaders and create assessment, design and activation tools  to ensure you maximize the returns on your organization’s commitment to Digital Investments

Download this quick guide and talk to us about the low cost assessments to clarify your Digital Maturity, areas of focus and priority actions to elevate your return on Digital Investments.

CX Applied: CX Capability Building For CX Leaders

CX Applied: CX Capability Building For CX Leaders

More companies every day are committing to Customer Experience (CX) and Experience Management (XM) as disciplines to deliver and sustain improved business performance. This is most visible as more companies hire and appoint VP’s and Directors of CX.

We are purpose built to help you, as a member of this generation of CX leaders, build the CX capabilities required to return and grow your organization’s CX commitment and deliver on the promise of CX ROI.

This short (but admittedly slightly intense) guide on the 17 key capabilities that we see CX and XM leaders focus on building and improving to deliver improved business results. No-one expects you to perfect all 17 (unless you are CX/XM icons like Disney or Amazon) and we wouldn’t even claim this is a comprehensive list. The point of the guide is to provide a cheat sheet to consider and a short discussion of the Assess, Design, Build, Operate model that we see as the most effective    as you continue your CX / XM Journey. 

CX Applied: How Field Sales Teams Sell More With CX

CX Applied: How Field Sales Teams Sell More With CX

Companies do not invest in CX because it is fun, they don’t invest in it because the techniques are interesting or thought provoking or produce beautiful models. Companies invest in CX because it deliver business outcomes. And that means applying CX techniques for business results. Customer Results is documenting those applications in our CX Applied series. Whether you are a Product Provider, a Services Provider, or an Integrated Solution Provider. Whether you are a small startup or a global industry leader. Your Sales Team is constantly searching for better ways to close more and bigger deals. And your customers are looking for sales teams that sell solutions that clearly benefit them. This document shows how applying CX techniques like Journey Maps achieved this wining a $5m, multi year 6 phase deal to inject AI, Machine Learning, Roboadvisors and RPA at a $1b B2B insurerr

Gestalt Exec Survey Results: Building an engaged, high performing, digitally savvy workforce

Gestalt Exec Survey Results: Building an engaged, high performing, digitally savvy workforce

Working digitally and virtually isn’t necessarily harder than traditional working models (ask any 21 year old), it just requires different practices and skills. The current crisis, which is making almost the entire workforce work remotely, provides a compelling and critical opportunity for you to rethink and activate new ways of working, even transforming your organization and culture, specifically how to develop new operational muscle, behavioral norms and methods, to work effectively & succeed in an increasingly virtual world which now may have permanently changed. In preparation for the April webinar featuring 2 CEOs and an Adjunct Professor from University of Berkeley discussing this critical issue Gestalt surveyed over 100 leaders to understand what they are experiencing.

10 Meetings, 10 Business Challenges and 10 CX Actions of the COVID-19 Era

10 Meetings, 10 Business Challenges and 10 CX Actions of the COVID-19 Era

Whether this crisis lasts 4 weeks, 4 months or 4 years COVID-19 (also known as “the Coronavirus”) is changing everything. Between March 4th and March 18th 2020 through 10 COVID-19 related client discussions we distilled 10 business challenges and 10 related CX actions that may help inform your CX program

Enhancing Your Virtual Digital Way of Working With Gogestalt’s Corporate Digital Academy

Enhancing Your Virtual Digital Way of Working With Gogestalt’s Corporate Digital Academy

Companies are realizing the critical need to develop a digital workforce. But 70% of all digital initiatives do not reach their goals. Unlike 20 years ago at the birth of digital today it is not about the technology, it is about adopting a operating model and way of working to be effective in this new digital age, a transformation that continues to accelerate.

Gogestalt is a new company that launched 6 months ago to help companies adopt this new new way of working and increase the ROI of their digital transformation investments

CX Challenges Survey 2020

CX Challenges Survey 2020

With a direct line between CX performance and business performance of revenue, profitability, market share, competitive positioning and business valuation and business leaders in every B2C or B2B sector even governments focused on Citizen experiences “wanting in on CX”, the body of knowledge and the CX community globally continues to grow. This is the outcome of our 2020 CX Challenges survey where we reached out to ~3900 of our 50,000 community members to get their perspective on 21 CX Challenges of priority .

Your CX Tech Stack Is Critical To Delivering CX ROI & Results

Your CX Tech Stack Is Critical To Delivering CX ROI & Results

With ever more pressure on Customer Experience (CX) professionals to deliver measurable, predictable business results at scale one of the most important success factors is the CX technology you use, a subset of your enterprise technology architecture often referred to as your CX Tech Stack. This companion guide to our CX Tech Selection Guide describes the three key ‘layers’ of the CX Tech Stack; Design, Execution and Measurement & Improvement and where ~50 of the leading solution brands fit within the overall CX Tech Stack.

Customer Results Intro

Customer Results Intro

Customer Results has been helping our clients strategize, design and activate world class experiences for 10 years and our principals have been at the forefront of the Digital Customer revolution for 22 years and delivering technology, process and organizational transformation in Marketing, Sales and Service for 35 years. Customer Results has been the secret CX sauce for those 10 years providing CX approaches and people for consultants, systems integrators, BPO’s, agencies and technology companies you know.

CX Success Assurance

CX Success Assurance

Delivering CX ROI and business results requires adding resources to your own CX staff. Whether teams of CX Specialists With Added Tools (CXSWAT), periodic CX Clinics to leverage deep CX experience, CX Audits to check whether you are on path on your projects or elevating CX Maturity or simply retaining CX Staff to supplement your teams we provide low cost, easy to consume services to support you on your CX journey. We provide these services to our end clients and also  to technology providers, agencies, consultancies, BPO’s and systems integrators. Experienced CX help customized, contextualized and personalized the way you need it through our CX Success Assurance.

CX Science Intro

CX Science Intro

CX is the discipline of delivering world class Experiences to Customers, Employees and Partners. Since its inception around 2000 CX has been considered an Art, delivered by scarce and expensive experts using mystical techniques. Today the C Suite of every company believes CX drives business performance. It is time for CX as a repeatable, investable, predictable, improvable Science.

CX & AI In Wealth Management

CX & AI In Wealth Management

AI research is highly technical and specialized, and is deeply divided into subfields that often fail to communicate with each other. Some of the division is due to social and cultural factors: subfields have grown up around particular institutions and the work of individual researchers. AI research is also divided by several technical issues. Some subfields focus on the solution of specific problems. Others focus on one of several possible approaches or on the use of a particular tool or towards the accomplishment of particular applications.

CX Tech, VoC, EFM & CX Analytics Selection Guide

CX Tech, VoC, EFM & CX Analytics Selection Guide

With technology platforms critical to CX Success and hundreds if not thousands of CX platform solutions in today’s market
this straightforward guide helps CX leaders select the right enhancements to your CX Tech Stack especially today’s hot VoC and EFM and CX Analytics solutions.